
How To Repair Shuriken Project Ozone 3

All of the Tools and Weapons from Tinkers' Construct can be modified. Once an item is complete, you can use the Tool Station to add extra abilities to it. Different materials/items have different amounts of modifiers.

Additionally, different materials will affect the appearance of the tool/weapon in the order that you add them. For instance, adding redstone to a pick will make a red wrap appear around the binding, while adding auto-repair to a pick will cause a green moss to cover a majority of it, and also cover up many of the other existing modifiers (such as the redstone). As such, if you plan on adding auto-repair, you may consider adding the moss first and the other modifiers later, so that those modifiers visibly stand out. For best results, experiment with different orderings in creative before committing in survival.

Tool Ability Modifiers [edit]

Material Ability Items Per Modifier Comment
Diamond +1 Durability
Mining level increased to 3
1 Single use only
Emerald +50% Durability
Mining level increased to 2
1 Single use only. When used in conjunction with the Diamond modifier, the 50% bonus is applied last, regardless of the order the modifiers were added.
Redstone +0.08 Mining Speed / Redstone dust
(+4 Speed in total)
50 Also improves draw speed of shortbows. Increasing Melee Attack Speed on 1.12.2
Ball of Moss Tool Regeneration
1 Repairs 1 Durability at semi-random intervals. At Auto-Repair I the average interval length is 20s. This average is halved for every level of Auto-Repair. In sunlight Auto-Repair level goes up by 2. Auto-Repair will fix Broken Tools, but will remain with broken debuff until completely fixed. Auto-Repair does not repair while tool is in use.
Lava Crystal Auto-Smelting 1 Also sets mobs on fire. Stacks with Luck. Not compatible with Silk Touch
Lapis Lazuli Luck
(Fortune / Looting)
450 Luck increases with use. 100 lapis = Fortune I/Looting I, 300 lapis = Fortune II/Looting II, 450 lapis (max) = Fortune III/Looting III. Not compatible with Silk Touch. Consumes one slot at Looting III.
Nether Quartz Extra damage 72 (144 on early version) All Weapons Get +.5 Damage at 1 Quartz, 24 Quartz, 48 Quartz and 72 Quartz. Less effective on Piercing Weapons (such as the Rapier which doesn't get the original +.5 at 1)
Blaze Powder Fire 25 Target burns for 1 second / 5.6 powder
Necrotic Bone Necrotic 1 Heals you 1 Heart / Bone per strike
Silky Jewel Silk Touch 1 Not compatible with Luck or Auto-Smelt. Halves damage. Reduces mining speed by 2. Single use only
Reinforcement Reinforced trait increased by 20% 1 Potentially stacks to Reinforced V, which results in Unbreakable (unlimited durability). One stack consumes on modifier slot.
Piston Knock-Back 10 Stacks for greater knock-back distance
+ Ender Pearl
Beheading 1 Stacks for greater chance of obtaining heads all the way to X (10) with 100%. Less effective against Wither-Skeletons although around twice as effective as Loot modifier (sample size ~64).
Fermented Spider Eye Bane of Arthropods
Extra damage to Spiders
4 1-2 Hearts per level
Consecrated Soil Smite
Extra damage to Undead
36 1-2 Hearts per level
RE Battery
+ Electronic Circuit
Uses EU instead of durability 1 Requires IndustrialCraft 2 or IndustrialCraft 2 Experimental. If the item has the Stonebound or Jagged trait, it can be used almost to breaking, then modified to Electric to retain its higher speed or damage. Single use only. Removed in MC 1.7.
Flux Capacitor
Energy Cell
Capacitor Bank
Uses Redstone Flux instead of durability 1 Requires Thermal Expansion.
Will only work if the tool have a max durability value of at least 1/1000th of the RF capacity of the capacitor being used. (Example : A tool with 80 max durability can use a Leadstone Flux Capacitor but not a Hardened Flux Capacitor)

Single use only

+ Block of Gold
+1 Modifier slot 1 Single use only [Doesn't work in 1.12.2]
Nether Star Soul Bound
After the player dies, they respawn with the tool. (After MC 1.10)
+1 Modifier Slot (Pre MC 1.10)
1 Single use only
Enchanted Golden Apple
+ Block of Diamond
+1 Modifier slot 1 Single use only (doesn't work in 1.6.4) -- (DOES work in 1.6.4)
Infinity Catalyst +5 Modifier Slots 1 Single use only

Adding Modifiers [edit]

Paper tool parts give +1 additional modifier per piece. (i.e. Using a paper binding allows the tool to have 4 modifiers. Making a tool all out of paper means will have 6 modifiers, but will have a slow mining speed and low harvest level).

1x Diamond + 1x Gold Block = 1 additional modifier. Can only be used once.
1x Enchanted Golden Apple + 1x Diamond Block = 1 additional modifier. Can only be used once.
1x Nether Star = 1 additional modifier. Can only be used once.

Non-paper tool: 3 modifiers (max. 6 with additional modifiers)
Tool with paper binding: 4 modifiers (max. 7 with additional modifiers)
Full-paper tool: 6 modifiers (max. 9 with additional modifiers)
(If you have Extra Utilities installed) Full-magical wood: 11 modifiers (max. 14 with additional modifiers)

v · d · e Tinkers' Construct

Tool Making

 Blank Cast •  Blank Pattern •  Crafting Station • Part Builder Part Builder •  Pattern Chest • Stencil Table Stencil Table •  Tool Station •  Tool Forge

Smeltery Components

 Casting Basin •  Casting Channel •  Casting Table •  Seared Bricks •  Seared Faucet •  Seared Glass •  Seared Tank •  Seared Window •  Smeltery Controller •  Smeltery Drain


 Drying Rack •  Punji Stick •  Blood Channel



 Axe Head •  Pickaxe Head •  Shovel Head •  Tool Binding •  Tool Rod • Tough Binding Tough Binding


 Aluminum Gravel Ore •  Aluminum Ore •  Ardite Ore •  Cobalt Gravel Ore •  Cobalt Ore •  Copper Gravel Ore •  Copper Ore •  Gold Gravel Ore •  Grout •  Iron Gravel Ore •  Stone Shard •  Tin Gravel Ore •  Tin Ore


Aluminum Dust Aluminum Dust •  Aluminum Ingot • Aluminum Brass Dust Aluminum Brass Dust •  Aluminum Brass Ingot •  Alumite Ingot • Ardite Dust Ardite Dust •  Ardite Ingot • Block of Aluminum Block of Aluminum • Block of Aluminum Brass Block of Aluminum Brass • Block of Alumite Block of Alumite •  Block of Ardite • Block of Tinker's Bronze Block of Tinker's Bronze •  Block of Cobalt • Block of Copper Block of Copper •  Block of Manyullyn •  Block of Solid Ender • Block of Steel Block of Steel • Block of Tin Block of Tin •  Bowstring •  Bronze Ingot •  Coagulated Blood • Cobalt Dust Cobalt Dust •  Cobalt Ingot •  Copper Ingot •  Fiery Bowstring • Manyullyn Dust Manyullyn Dust •  Manyullyn Ingot •  Obsidian Ingot •  Raw Aluminum •  Seared Brick •  Slime Crystal (Blue) •  Slime Crystal (Green) •  Steel Ingot •  Tin Ingot


Blood Blood • Glue Glue • Liquid Tin Liquid Tin • Liquified Emerald Liquified Emerald • Liquified Ender Liquified Ender • Liquified Slime Liquified Slime • Molten Aluminum Molten Aluminum • Molten Aluminum Brass Molten Aluminum Brass • Molten Alumite Molten Alumite • Molten Ardite Molten Ardite • Molten Bronze Molten Bronze • Molten Cobalt Molten Cobalt • Molten Copper Molten Copper • Molten Electrum Molten Electrum • Molten Enderium Molten Enderium • Molten Glass Molten Glass • Molten Gold Molten Gold • Molten Invar Molten Invar • Molten Iron Molten Iron • Molten Lead Molten Lead • Molten Lumium Molten Lumium • Molten Mana Infused Metal Molten Mana Infused Metal • Molten Manyullyn Molten Manyullyn • Molten Nickel Molten Nickel • Molten Obsidian Molten Obsidian • Molten Pig Iron Molten Pig Iron • Molten Signalum Molten Signalum • Molten Shiny Molten Shiny • Molten Silver Molten Silver • Molten Steel Molten Steel • Seared Stone Seared Stone



 Chiseled Seared Bricks •  Chiseled Seared Slab •  Clear Glass •  Clear Pane •  Cracked Seared Bricks •  Fancy Seared Bricks •  Fancy Seared Slab •  Seared Brick Slab •  Seared Cobblestone •  Seared Cobblestone Slab •  Seared Paver •  Seared Paver Slab •  Seared Road •  Seared Road Slab •  Seared Stone •  Seared Stone Slab •  SDX

Basic Tools/Weapons

 Arrows •  Battlesign •  Broadsword • Cutlass Cutlass • Chisel Chisel •  Dagger •  Frying Pan • Javelin Javelin • Hatchet Hatchet •  Longsword •  Mattock • Pickaxe Pickaxe •  Rapier •  Shortbow • Shovel Shovel • Throwing Knife Throwing Knife

Advanced Tools/Weapons

 Battleaxe • Bolts Bolts •  Cleaver • Crossbow Crossbow •  Excavator • Hammer Hammer • Longbow Longbow •  Lumber Axe • Shuriken Shuriken • Scythe Scythe


 Bucket o' Blood •  Coagulated Blood Drop •  Empty Canister •  Green Heart Canister • InfiMiner InfiMiner •  Knapsack •  Red Heart Canister •  Traveller's Belt •  Yellow Heart Canister



 Aluminum Oreberry •  Copper Oreberry •  Gold Oreberry •  Iron Oreberry •  Tin Oreberry •  Concentrated Essence Berry •  Oreberry Bush


 Ball of Moss •  Blue Slimedirt •  Congealed Blue Slime •  Congealed Green Slime •  Congealed Purple Slime •  Consecrated Soil •  Gelatinous Slime •  Graveyard Soil •  Jeweled Apple •  Lava Crystal •  Miniature Red Heart •  Miniature Yellow Heart •  Miniature Green Heart •  Paper Stack •  Silky Cloth •  Silky Jewel •  Slimy Grass •  Slimy Mud (Blue) •  Slimy Mud (Green) •  Slime Soil


Blue Slime • King Slime

Casts and Patterns


 Ingot Cast •  Tool Rod Cast •  Pickaxe Head Cast •  Shovel Head Cast •  Axe Head Cast •  Sword Blade Cast •  Wide Guard Cast •  Hand Guard Cast •  Crossbar Cast •  Tool Binding Cast •  Pan Cast •  Wide Board Cast •  Knife Blade Cast •  Chisel Head Cast •  Tough Rod Cast •  Tough Binding Cast •  Large Plate Cast •  Broadaxe Head Cast •  Scythe Head Cast •  Excavator Head Cast •  Large Blade Cast •  Hammer Head Cast •  Full Guard Cast •  Arrowhead Cast •  Gem Cast •  Nugget Cast •  Shuriken Cast •  Crossbow Limb Cast •  Crossbow Body Cast •  Bow Limb Cast • Gear Cast Gear Cast


 Tool Rod Pattern •  Pickaxe Head Pattern •  Shovel Head Pattern •  Axe Head Pattern •  Sword Blade Pattern •  Wide Guard Pattern •  Hand Guard Pattern •  Crossbar Pattern •  Tool Binding Pattern •  Pan Pattern •  Wide Board Pattern •  Knife Blade Pattern •  Chisel Head Pattern •  Tough Rod Pattern •  Tough Binding Pattern •  Large Plate Pattern •  Broadaxe Head Pattern •  Scythe Head Pattern •  Excavator Head Pattern •  Large Blade Pattern •  Hammer Head Pattern •  Full Guard Pattern •  Bowstring Pattern •  Fletching Pattern •  Arrowhead Pattern •  Shuriken Pattern •  Crossbow Limb Pattern •  Crossbow Body Pattern •  Bow Limb Pattern


Tools • Weapons • Materials • Modifiers

How To Repair Shuriken Project Ozone 3


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